In other words, two people must be in perfect harmony with regard to the specific prayer request they want to ask the Lord. This means that now two people are approaching God`s throne and praying for exactly the same thing. You have to get straight to the point and find where the answer lies. When I lost a precious ring, I carefully searched where I thought I had lost it. I was walking on my hands and knees, crawling and searching. When it comes to spiritual affairs, I do the same thing – I follow my steps. Many times, in prayer and speech, I always walk on the same ground. I just want one thing to send me a prayer partner and we get over the enemy. These people are your true prayer warriors. These are the types of people who have dramatic and powerful successes in their prayer life with the Lord.

These are the types of people you want to join with from time to time, if God wants the bond and friendship with any of them to be established. Keep sin out of your life and be sure to choose a partner who is aware of the powerlessness of sin. Repent if you blow it. Reassemble. Come back into the agreement and this prayer will work for you every time. He comes with a personal guarantee from the Son of Almighty God. Continue firmly in prayer and watch over it with thanks. If God wants to associate you with other believers from time to time, it means that you need other good Christian friends, whom you can call at any time and ask them to pray in harmony and agreement with you. Many of you already have good prayer partners with whom you can do this. The Lord has shown me that the key is agreement. What does the word “agreement” mean? It is harmony and unity.

Like when a musician plays in the key, there is a melody or harmony that makes him beautiful. If something goes wrong, it`s not in the tone. That`s how it is with prayer and faith. If we are outside the agreement or guidance of the Spirit or if there is blatant sin, God cannot hear or be present. We are somehow out of the key with the Spirit of God and the other. Indeed, I know that this will develop through your prayers and the help of the Spirit of Jesus Christ for my liberation, all of which are unanimously dedicated to prayer, with the women and Mary, mother of Jesus, and her brothers. First of all, a prayer of agreement is a prayer based on the Word of God. Whether it is redemption, healing, finance, or liberation, God`s Word concerns all themes of life. But here`s the secret for those of you who may not be aware of it. God has resurrected many people who are particularly anointed and gifted in the field of intercessory prayer. To the choirmaster: with stringed instruments. A psalm of David.

Answer me by shouting: O God of my righteousness! You made it easy for me when I was in need. Be merciful to me and listen to my prayer! Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way and honor the wife as a weaker vessel, since they are with you the heirs of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered. . . .