I know it was written a few years ago. And I still have to take into account some of the author`s misunderstandings about wisdom in “The Four Accords.” Note that the beginning of the book on domestication and dreams is an important preface to understanding the power of new chords. the concept is simple, the four agreements are understandable, the results are undeniable. However, the disciplined practice of consciousness and action is a monumental challenge. not because it`s complicated, but monumental, because it requires a complete rewriting of your deep-rooted thoughts and actions. The constant presence of the mind and the continuous focus will begin to unravel life from an unhealthy conditioning with which we have all felt comfortable. In this sample video from The Four Agreements online course, we distinguish between the reality that creates life and the virtual reality that people create using language. Life creates what is real, and people create stories about what is real. This is a brilliant book with excellent audio output. It describes four simple agreements you can make with yourself, which allow you to increase your control over how you live your life: 1) Be blameless with your word; 2) Don`t take anything personally; 3) Don`t make assumptions; 4) Always do your best. It doesn`t mean simple! Don Miguel`s book helps the reader to have the power of these agreements and to use them. Reading Peter Coyotes is a pleasure that supports the learning process. It is a timeless work that can be constantly referred to.
I found the four chords even more powerful than Stephen Covey`s seven customs, which was not the case. And just like the Seven Habits, the Four Chords are powerful in every aspect of your life, including family, work, and leisure. I have not read this book and I do not intend to read it. I saw these four conventions on the wall in a yoga teacher`s house and laughed. These tenants are what Saniel Bonder, the founder of Waking Down In Mutality, would call hypermasculine ideas to improve ourselves. In fact, they could improve our lives for a while, but like all self-improvement projects, they imply that we need to be repaired and that we ultimately end up with more self-judgment. Although there is an important place for the action component in life (the masculine strength), it is necessary to reconcile it with the softer stop and accept mother qualities of the deep woman. . . .
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