In its third edition, this volume provides comprehensive and specialized coverage of EU competition law in relation to vertical agreements, as well as a detailed and practical analysis of the EU legal framework, as applied by the Commission and EU courts. The authors consider that the questions are directly relevant in the commercial world and answer questions such as: Under what conditions can a supplier impose territorial restrictions on its network of distributors?: Is it possible to impose maximum detail?: Are customer restrictions allowed in a selective distribution system?: can a supplier accept an exclusive supply obligation?: Can an exclusive delivery obligation be imposed in a subcontracting agreement? The authors draw on their experience in this area of competition law to address the more complex issues of vertical restrictions. They offer practical solutions to business problems and are an indispensable tool for all practitioners in this field. “This is a job that all practitioners who might be faced with advice on vertical restrictions in the EU should be familiar with. For the inexperienced, it offers a useful introduction, for the more experienced, it offers a useful help memory; and, more importantly, as a tour guide or roadmap, it provides a useful step-by-step checklist, which ensures that there is no monitoring. ” – Dr. Bruce Wardhaugh, European Competition Law Review “The book is a useful tool for all practitioners who come up against any kind of vertical arrangement. … Unlike many other competition law textbooks, more general or academic, vertical agreements in EU competition law are clearly a book from practitioners to practitioners, which is a useful tool for any practising lawyer.

” – Katri Paas-Mohando, Global Competition Litigation Review I. INTRODUCTION1:Introduction II. Vertical AGREEMENTS UNDER REGULATION 330/20102:Roadmaps 3:Article 2, paragraph 1: Scope of Regulation 330/2010 4:Article 2, paragraph 2, paragraph 5): restrictions on the scope of Regulation 3 330/2 010 5:Article 3: Market Share Threshold 6:Article 4: Characterized Restrictions 7:Article 5: Restrictions excluded 8:Article 6 (non-application) and Article 29 Regulation 1/2003 (withdrawal) 9:Frequent distribution and delivery scenarios III. VERTICAL AGREEMENTS OUTSIDE REGULATION 330/201010:Economy and self-assessment of vertical agreements IV. MOTOR VEHICLE DISTRIBUTION11:Motor vehicle distribution Lindy Willmott, Sharon Christensen, Des Butler, Bill Dixon . This title is available as an e-book. To buy, visit your favorite e-book provider. . Filip Tuytschaever, partner, contrasted with Frank Wijckmans, partner, contrasted Des Butler, Sharon Christensen, Bill Dixon, Lindy Willmott Law > Antitrust Law > Corporate Law > Commercial Law .

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